A Phone For Those Who Miss Watches

23 Jun

The mobile phone made wristwatches obsolete over a decade ago. We were almost positive people would notice by now. The more expensive the timepiece, the more exclusive the brand, the more it shows off how the wearer wants to spend lots of money to look good at the expense of sense. Almost every other device you carry now tells the time on top of its “actual” functions, making that chunk of metal on your arm a “I don’t understand this mo-dern world” badge.

This is bad news for beautiful clockwork, which is why Celsius X VI II (counter-intuitively called the “Celsius-ten-six-two” for maximum exclusivity) brings something back with tourbillon watch workings, powering the mobile phone. If you don’t know what ‘tourbillon’ means, it roughly translates as ‘the most beautiful and expensive cogs you could conceive.’

On top of being a phone, the Celsius does everything you’d want from a top-flight watch: it spins, it clicks, and it costs a truly insane £180,000.

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